Anabus (Betta/Gourami etc)

Anabus (Betta gourami) is a freshwater fish with a unique labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air. They have a colorful and ornate appearance, with long fins and a slender body. They can be aggressive towards other fish and should be kept alone or with.


#aquariumfishtank #aggressivefish #gourami #trichopodustrichopterus #aquariumaddict #aquariumhobby #hobbyist #aquariumlife #bluefish #aquariumlove #fishtank #freshwaterfish #southeasternasia #natgeowild #photographers_of_india #photo_pond #aquariumaddict #aquascapes #aquatic #bluegourami #fishworld #aqualife
First Ever Borneo Red Gourami or ‘Kalou’ Fish Caught on Fly
“The fish we caught is a species known as the Borneo Red Gourami or locally known as ‘Kalou’. It’s recently scientifically classified in 1992 with the official Latin name of ‘osphronemus septemfasciatus’. This species is native to Borneo only, they are not easy to find and let alone catching them on flies is very challenging. We were the first people to ever catch this species on the fly.”
[LINK IN BIO] for the full story from Fajar Setyawan fajars3977 ~
#flylords #flyfishing #borneo #onthefly #gourami
Parosphromenus juelinae F1.
About 22 weeks old.


#リコリスグラミー #パロスフロメヌス #リコリス #グラミー #熱帯魚 #アクアリウム #アクアリウム好きな人と繋がりたい #水草 #水草水槽 #水槽のある暮らし #licoricegourami #parosphromenus #gourami #fish #tropicalfish #aquarium #freshwateraquarium #aquascaping #plantedtank #fishtank #breeding

#bettafancy #bettafish #bettafishcommunity #bettabreeding #bettakoi #bettaholic #bettausa #bettalovers #bettashow #bettasplendens #betta #bettaworld #bettasofinstagram #bettanemo #bettafishlove #bettaaddict #bettashop #gourami #trichopodustrichopterus #aquariumaddict #aquariumhobby #hobbyist #aquariumlife #bluefish
Female samurai gourami in all her glory! 
#beautiful #fish #fishspecies #species #animals #petsofinstagram #colourful #fishkeepingcommunity #fishtank #tropicalfish #tropicalaquarium #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #natureaquarium #naturephotography #macrophotography #fishphotography #nanotank #nanoaquarium #madewithtropica #aquascape #aquariumhobby #aquariumsdaily #gourami #samuraigourami #chocolategourami
Гонки Вайланта 😁
А пецилии вымахали, уже здоровенные, нужно сменить на мальков 🥰 Никому не нужны упитанные  красотки? 🤭😅
#sphaerichthys #vaillanti #chocolategourami #gourami
#aquarium #aquadesign #aquascaping #planted #plantedtank #pinnatifida #natureaquarium #amano #ada #tropicaaquariumplants #chihiros  #moss #aquascape #plantsaquarium  #rotala #redplant  #аквариум  #prodibioambassadors  #co2art #madewithtropica #hygrophilapinnatifida #аквариумныйдизайн #гурами #шоколадныйгурами #аквалого #аквариумныерастения

Explore more about Anabus (Betta/Gourami etc)